Morula IVF

Bunda Morula Surabaya Clinic

Bunda Morula Surabaya is a leading fertility clinic in Indonesia that offers a variety of IVF services, including basic and advanced services.

Basic services offered by the clinic include tracking cycle, laparoscopy, ovulation induction, semen analysis, IUI, IVF, ICSI, sperm freezing, egg freezing, embryo freezing, MESA, PESA, TESA, TESE, fresh embryo transfer, and frozen embryo transfer.

Advanced services offered by the clinic include DNA fragmentation test, PGT-A, PRP Endometrium, and PRP Ovarium.

Bunda Morula Surabaya is located in Surabaya, East Java. The clinic is supported by a team of experienced and dedicated professional doctors and staff. The clinic is also equipped with modern technology and facilities to provide the best IVF services for patients.

Jl. Tegalsari No.59, Tegalsari, Kec. Tegalsari, Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60261



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