Morula IVF

Don’t Guess it Wrong! These are the Characteristics of Failed and Successful Ovulation in Women

December 7, 2022

Don’t Guess it Wrong! These are the Characteristics of Failed and Successful Ovulation in Women

Ovulation is when a mature egg travels from the uterus to the fallopian tube, which is ready to be fertilized. This process is an early sign for a woman to achieve pregnancy. Is every ovulation process in women always successful? Find out the characteristics and what ovulation fails, aka anovulation, below!

Anovulation and its Characteristics

Failed ovulation or anovulation is the opposite of ovulation where there is a disturbance in the female reproductive system when the egg fails to mature, so sperm cannot fertilize. It happens because the egg does not release the ovary and enters the fallopian tube.

The fertilization process should occur about 1-5 days after having sex. This anovulation could be why you don’t get pregnant because many women don’t realize it and think of it as menstruation in general.

A normal menstrual cycle in women will release a special hormone, progesterone. The hormone stimulated by the release of this egg serves to make menstruation regular. However, when anovulation occurs, the production of hormone progesterone does not produce properly, causing heavy bleeding, considered menstruation in general.

This anovulation or failed ovulation does not come by itself. It has several characteristics or signs. Let’s see below!

1. Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) That Doesn’t Appear

The first characteristic of failed ovulation is the absence of pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS). A woman feels this sign before menstruation which includes abdominal pain, fatigue, mood swings, and so on. When anovulation occurs, the above signs do not appear and cause subsequent irregular periods.

2. Irregular Menstrual Schedule

As mentioned above, irregular menstruation is caused by unbalanced hormone progesterone levels and interferes with the reproductive organs carrying out the ovulation process.

In addition, this irregular menstrual schedule can also cause the uterine wall to thicken so that blood cells won’t release during menstruation due to an irregular schedule. So, the ovaries do not produce healthy egg production.

3. Menstruation Not On Time

The characteristics of failed ovulation. Next is the menstruation that does not come. In women’s fertile period, ovulation may not take place, marked by menstruation that does not occur.

Some women can take weeks or even months to not feel menstruation again, such as women who have just given birth. This feature can signify that the reproductive organs cannot function properly and hormone production is not stable.

4. Excessive bleeding during menstruation

The amount of blood that comes out during menstruation is considered a sign that you are a fertile woman. However, when menstrual blood comes out in excess and is difficult to stop or too frequent, menstruation can be one of the signs of failed ovulation.

Women think this is normal, so they think it is a sign of fertile women. In reality, menstrual blood comes out, mixes with dead blood cells, and accumulates in the uterus.

5. Little menstrual blood

The blood that comes out can be too much or too little. Menstruation only lasts for one day and is a sign of failed ovulation.

You may not feel Premenstrual Syndrome or PMS when you experience this, and the blood that comes out is brighter and mixed with vaginal discharge or clearer fluid.

Unsteady Basal Body Temperature

Generally, women will have a stable basal body temperature when the fertile period is in progress. You can also prove this with a special tool that states that you are fertile or not.

In addition to using the tool, you can manually calculate your fertile period as long as you have regular periods. When ovulation fails, the basal body temperature will be difficult to track. The temperature will be unstable and can be felt for 14 days in the middle of the fertile period or between menstruation.

6. Excessive Menstrual Pain

The last symptom of failed ovulation is excessive pain during menstruation. Excessive menstrual pain can indicate a problem with the body and is usually accompanied by pain during intercourse, excessive vaginal bleeding, blood during urination, and pain in the rectum.

You may have a condition called endometriosis. This condition will make it difficult for you to get pregnant because of the emergence of tissue lining the uterus that grows outside the uterus.

The characteristics of failed ovulation above are not the only thing that causes you to fail to get pregnant. There are still some signs of failed pregnancy that need to be watched. What are these characteristics? Let’s find out.

Factors Causing Failed to Get Pregnant

Here are some signs of failure to conceive that you may feel but ignore. Here are some of them:

  • Stress, this condition can affect the production of reproductive hormones to become unstable
  • Skipping ovulation, don’t understand when your fertile time is each month
  • Rarely or too often sex, too often will make sperm quality decrease and quickly make you and your partner bored
  • The use of excess lubricants can damage and interfere with the ability of sperm and cause egg cells to die because they do not have time to fertilize.
  • An unhealthy lifestyle, smoking, drinking alcohol, and rarely exercising can trigger a lack of fertility for you and your partner.
  • Body weight is not ideal; reproductive hormone imbalances can occur due to not ideal body weight.

In addition to the above factors, some factors affect the failure of fertilization, namely food and drink. Here are some foods and drinks that cause your fertilization to fail.

Foods with high trans fat

  • High carb
  • Caffeine
  • Alcohol
  • Soda
  • Food or drink with high sugar content

In addition, you also have to know when the pregnancy comes because pregnancy also has several characteristics, as below.

Characteristics of Successful Fertilization

After knowing the characteristics of failed ovulation, it is better to know the characteristics of successful ovulation, aka pregnancy. The following are signs of a successful pregnancy or implantation.

1. Bleeding

Signs of successful implantation will result in minimal bleeding. The fertilized egg implants itself into the uterus and causes the uterine lining to shed.

This process takes 1-3 days and occurs a week before menstruation.

2. Cramps

You will experience this sign when implantation is in progress. It is usually felt around the lower abdominal area or lower back.

3. Vaginal discharge

Vaginal discharge is a sign of successful implantation. Normal cervical mucus will turn out to be clear, elastic and slippery.

4. Nauseous

Nausea is the most common sign of successful implantation. Usually, you will feel nauseous in the morning.

Those are some characteristics of failed and successful anovulation and other supporting factors. Therefore, you and your partner must know everything about pregnancy so that ovulation is successful and can prevent unwanted things in the first place.

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