Morula IVF

Take Notes! These are Breast Milk Booster Foods that Mothers Need to Know

March 20, 2023

Take Notes! These are Breast Milk Booster Foods that Mothers Need to Know

Breastfeeding moms are usually advised to eat breast milk booster food or breast milk supplements. The goal is to produce an abundant breast milk supply to keep the baby’s nutritional needs. Therefore, the baby can grow optimally.

Breast milk is the primary source of nutrition for infants, especially those under six months of age. Breast milk is rich in nutrients for a baby’s growth and development. Although it can be supported by formula milk, the nutritional content of breast milk is better and more needed by babies.

To produce abundant breast milk, mothers need to maintain a good diet. You also need to consume foods that increase milk supply so that production can run smoothly. Do you want to know what types of foods can increase milk production?

Types of Foods to Increase Breast Milk

Several types of foods can increase milk production for breastfeeding mothers, including:

1. Green Vegetables

One type of food to increase breast milk is green vegetables. Green vegetables contain galactagogues and phytoestrogen compounds that can increase breast milk production. Some green vegetables for mothers to consume while breastfeeding is spinach, broccoli, Herbilogy Sweet Leaf, and cumin leaves. We recommend drinking 1-2 servings of green vegetables every day.

2. Whole Grains and Oats

Consuming oatmeal or oats is believed to increase milk production. Besides being high in fibre, wheat and oats are also rich in iron, which can prevent anaemia, which causes decreased breast milk supply. In addition to porridge, you can consume whole wheat and oats in the form of biscuits and whole wheat bread to increase breast milk for pregnant women.

3. Nuts

Nuts are also included in the type of food that can increase milk production. Besides being rich in fibre, nuts such as almonds, kidney beans and walnuts also contain protein, calcium and iron, which can increase milk production for breastfeeding mothers. You can eat these nuts as a snack to increase breast milk.

In addition to nuts, sesame, flaxseed, and chia seeds are also efficacious in increasing milk production. These grains are rich in phytoestrogen compounds that can stimulate breast milk production.

4. Fish and Eggs

Protein and energy are needed by breastfeeding mothers. One way to meet the needs of these two intakes is to consume fish and eggs. But make sure fish and eggs are processed until cooked. Hence, no bacteria enter the body.

5. Garlic

Breastfeeding mothers are also advised to consume garlic as a breast milk supplement for abundant milk production. A study also shows that babies will suckle longer in mothers who eat garlic.

Tips for increasing breast milk apart from food

Besides eating the right foods, there are ways and tips you can do to increase breast milk production. The details are as follows:

1. Breastfeed More Often

Breastfeeding your baby more often can also lead to more milk production. Breastfeed your baby at least 8-12 times daily for more milk production. Besides that, you can also pump or express breast milk to stimulate its production.

2. Reduce Stress

Consuming breast milk booster supplements will not increase production if the mother is stressed. Therefore, if you want abundant milk production, avoid Stress and always create a comfortable and calm atmosphere when breastfeeding.

3. Breast Massage

Doing a massage on the breast can also make the milk becomes smoother. Breasts that are tense or have blocked milk ducts can make it difficult for milk to come out. By doing a gentle massage, the milk will come out smoothly.

Breast milk is a nutrient that is needed by babies, especially those under six months of age. Therefore, you are advised to breastfeed until the age of 2 years exclusively. For maximum production, do not forget to consume foods that increase breast milk supply and avoid Stress during breastfeeding.

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