Morula IVF

The Importance of Understanding Pregnancy Examination or Antenatal Care

March 3, 2023

The Importance of Understanding Pregnancy Examination or Antenatal Care

If you’re pregnant for the first time, of course, you need a lot of references that will help with pregnancy. One of them is prenatal care or antenatal care to help us find out how, schedule, and other things in early pregnancy checkups. An overview of the costs of pregnancy control will also be something that needs to be prepared. Therefore, see more information on the following pregnancy checks.

Pregnancy Checkups or Antenatal Care

Knowing the importance of updating the condition of pregnant women and the fetus is something that pregnant women need to know to help understand the current requirements and immediately get advice if pregnancy conditions are inappropriate. It will also relate to the baby’s weight and position so that later when it’s time to give birth, the mother and baby both have good conditions. Regular health checks for mother and baby will help make delivery more accessible and healthier.

Is There a Blood Check for Pregnant Women?

Well, it’s not just control. Usually, there will be a blood check for pregnant women in the 1st trimester. It will help identify possible diseases from the mother, such as syphilis, Hepatitis B and C, HIV, and anemia.

The gestational age of 24 to 28 weeks will help determine the risk of gestational diabetes, as for the period of 26 weeks to 28 weeks to find out rhesus and blood type.

How Many Times Should We Checkup During Pregnancy?

Regarding the number of pregnancy checkups, according to the Indonesian Ministry of Health, there will be a total of four pregnancy checkups. It has been written even through some official laws. Therefore, when you are pregnant, try to follow the process to avoid bad possibilities in the pregnancy.

Recommended Pregnancy Control Schedule:

According to the Minister of Health, we must follow the following schedule. Here is to get the most recent updates by applicable regulations.

  1. In the First Trimester, during this visit, the mother is 0 to 13 weeks pregnant. So on the schedule around this, you can control doing an early pregnancy check.
  2. Second Trimester, the gestational age is 14 to 27 weeks. There will be processes to ensure the condition of the mother and baby is good and healthy.
  3. Finally, in the Third Trimester, the mother is usually aged between 28 and the time of her birth. Therefore, at this meeting, we can question the readiness of the position and weight of the baby.

Total Inspection on the three schedules mentioned earlier will adjust to the needs. Usually, there will be the possibility of one control schedule and two or even five meetings in each trimester.

Don’t worry; the cost of pregnancy checkups can be covered with insurance from the government. We can do a pregnancy check with BPJS (Indonesian Government Health Insurance); hence, it will still be affordable for everyone.

It’s best not to miss this pregnancy test to know the development and readiness for birth at the right time later. Ensure you understand the prenatal checkup from the start. Therefore, we can later learn things like this to avoid unwanted things to happen.


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