Morula IVF

These are the symptoms of uterine fibroids that You Need to be Aware

March 20, 2023

These are the symptoms of uterine fibroids that You Need to be Aware

Uterine fibroids are noncancerous uterine muscle growths that often appear in a woman’s childbearing years. Launching Healthline for a long time, uterine fibroids are not related to the risk of uterine cancer and, in most cases, do not develop into cancer. The following is a review of the symptoms of uterine fibroids that you need to know.

Uterine Fibroids Symptoms

According to the Cleveland Clinic, about 40 to 80 percent of women have fibroids in their uterus. However, sometimes the symptoms cannot be felt due to the small size of the fibroids. Below are some common symptoms of uterine fibroids that women may experience.

1. Pressure on the lower abdomen

The first symptom of uterine fibroids is pressure on the lower abdomen. This discomfort can be caused by the enlarged size of the fibroids and make your stomach look more prominent. However, if your fibroids are small, you will most likely feel nothing.

You can immediately seek help from a doctor if this feeling of pressure in the lower abdomen is accompanied by:

  • Fever
  • Vomiting blood
  • Abnormal vaginal discharge
  • Sudden pain

2. Frequent urination

The following symptom is frequent urination. This is because fibroids put the intestines or bladder under pressure. In rare cases, fibroids can even press on the ureters (the tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder), which can cause kidney dysfunction.

Dyspareunia is the term for pain in the genital area that recurs during intercourse. Now, for women who experience uterine fibroids, this can cause discomfort when having sex. For the household to remain harmonious, you need to overcome this by seeking help from a doctor to treat your uterine fibroids.

3. Pain during intimate relationships

Dyspareunia is the term for pain in the genital area that recurs during intercourse. Now, for women who experience uterine fibroids, this can cause discomfort when having sex. So, to maintain a harmonious marriage, you need to overcome this by seeking help from a doctor to treat your uterine fibroids.

4. Heavy Bleeding

Heavy Bleeding during a woman’s period is one of the common symptoms of uterine fibroids. Sometimes, this Bleeding is also accompanied by blood clots. This condition must be watched out for if you experience these symptoms accompanied by fever, menstruation that lasts more than one week, sudden changes in body weight and abnormal hair growth.

How Are Uterine Fibroids Diagnosed?

To diagnose uterine fibroids, you can visit your obstetrician to get a pelvic exam. This aims to check your uterus’s condition, size, and shape. In addition, you can do other tests, such as:

Ultrasound: With an ultrasound examination, you can find the internal structures and fibroids present by images of the uterus with high-frequency sound waves.

Pelvic MRI: This test can produce images of the uterus, ovaries, and other pelvic organs.

This time’s discussion is about the symptoms of uterine fibroids that need to be watched out for. You do not need to panic because most cases will not develop into cancer. However, if the symptoms appear to cause uncomfortable pain, make sure you consult with your obstetrician for further treatment.

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