Morula IVF

Recognize the ERACS Delivery Method For Fast Recovery

March 3, 2023

Recognize the ERACS Delivery Method For Fast Recovery

Currently, there are many choices of delivery methods, such as vaginal birth, standard delivery, and cesarean birth, delivered with a surgical procedure. In addition, there is also a delivery option that speeds up post-cesarean recovery, and it is the ERACS (Enhanced Recovery After Surgery) method. What is the ERACS method of delivery like? Check out the following reviews.

What is ERACS?

The ERACS (Enhance Recovery After Surgery) method of delivery is one of the cesarean procedures that aim to restore the health of the mother giving birth both before and after surgery. Generally, a new mother can move 12 hours after a cesarean section. However, with this ERACS delivery method, mothers can move faster. This is the advantage of this method, which allows you to carry on with your everyday activities quickly.

For those who want a quick recovery and minimal pain after a cesarean section, you can choose the ERACS delivery method. Of course, an ERACS cesarean section is more expensive than a conventional one. Therefore, prepare a budget and consult your obstetrician regarding your delivery method.

Advantages of the ERACS Delivery Method

For those of you who want to choose ERACS as your delivery method, here are some of the advantages of the ERACS delivery method that you can consider, which are as follows:

1. Less Pain

The benefit of this ERACS delivery is minimal pain after surgery. This is because non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are given, either pills or intravenously. Besides that, the mother was also given a small dose of long-acting pain medication in the spine during the operation. These medications can help reduce postoperative pain and symptoms of nausea and constipation.

2. Fast Wound Recovery

Not only minimal pain, but this ERACS delivery method can also make wounds heal quickly. According to the Ministry of Health, doctors use a very sharp and small scalpel, thereby minimizing damage to the tissue. That way, the wound on the skin can heal quickly.

3. Short Fasting Time

A cesarean section generally requires at least 8 hours of fasting and eating. Fortunately, by doing this ERACS delivery method, you only need 6 hours to fast before surgery. You are still allowed to drink 2 hours before this method of delivery.

ERACS Method of Delivery Preparation

The following are the stages that need to be done before you undergo ERACS delivery surgery, which is as follows:

  • Hemoglobin level check: This is done to ensure sufficient hemoglobin levels. Since low hemoglobin can cause excessive bleeding during surgery.
  • Health check: The doctor then checks whether you have a history of gastric problems. If so, you will be given anti-nausea medication.
  • Bathing: Before giving birth to ERACS, you will be directed to take a bath with antiseptic soap so that the skin area to be operated on is free of bacteria.
  • Eat before surgery: At 6 hours before surgery, you will first eat snacks such as biscuits. Then 2 hours before, you can consume drinks with high carbohydrate levels.

Well, that’s the discussion this time about the ERACS delivery method. Ensure you know about various ways of giving birth from the beginning of pregnancy. Live a healthy lifestyle and consume nutrient-rich foods, so your baby grows optimally. We hope it’s helpful!

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